


Transitioning to Low-Carbon Transportation

In California, 40 percent of greenhouse gas emissions comes from transportation. Emissions from this sector will make it difficult to meet the state’s 2030 climate goals.

Transitioning to Low-Carbon Transportation

In California, 40 percent of greenhouse gas emissions come from transportation. Emissions from this sector will make it difficult to meet the state’s 2030 climate goals.

Decarbonizing Energy

A quarter of the world's greenhouse gas emissions comes from heating and electricity. In this episode, we discuss renewable energy and the importance of life-cycle analysis when discussing climate change solutions.

Oceans under a changing climate

Oceans have always done us a favor, absorbing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. But now rising greenhouse gases are warming the ocean and changing its chemistry. In this episode of Unfold, we’ll take a deep dive into the ocean to examine the effects of climate change.

Oceans Under a Changing Climate

Oceans have always done us a favor, absorbing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. But now rising greenhouse gases are warming the ocean and changing its chemistry.

E-Commerce and Climate Change

Since COVID-19, our online shopping habits, particularly all those groceries, have increased dramatically. What that has meant for our carbon footprint might just surprise you.

California Wildfires In a Changing Climate

Wind-driven wildfires like the Santa Anas that Southern California experiences are moving further north, striking when conditions are hotter and drier. Unfold examines how fire is changing California’s landscapes and how to manage wildfires going forward.

Becoming Arizona

Co-host Kat Kerlin discusses her "Becoming Arizona" series, examining how cities are dealing with rising temperatures and efforts to build climate-resilient communities.

Coronavirus and Climate Change

There are lessons we can take away from the pandemic about climate change, including how we’re handling both crises. Unfold looks at surprising similarities between the climate crisis and the coronavirus pandemic.

Bonus Bite: What Happened to Flavor?

Flavor breeding is considered “the last frontier of plant breeding” by some experts and could bring tastier products to our tables. This episode covers the work of ϲͼ researchers in search of a tastier strawberry.

Bonus Bite: The Father of Wine

This Bonus Bite episode examines the legacy of former ϲͼ professor and viticulture chair Maynard Amerine. His contributions to the wine industry include helping develop the Winkler Index, which is still used to determine optimal wine grape growing regions.

Bonus Bite: Stranger Beers with Charlie Bamforth

After nearly 40 years in the beer business, the now-retired ϲͼ professor Charlie Bamforth holds the crown as “The Pope of Foam.” Join Unfold for a light-hearted discussion about the strangest beers he's come across throughout his career.

Food Politics

Everyone has an opinion about what you should or shouldn’t eat and why. In this episode, we explore why we get into heated debates and arguments when we talk about food.

Is the Chicken Local?

Imagine you could know exactly where your food comes from, how it was grown, what kind of soil it was grown in and how it was handled and distributed. ϲͼ experts are helping build this food information superhighway, known as the Internet of Food.

The Future of Food

Unfold examines biotechnologies such as gene-editing and CRISPR and how they could help reduce food waste, create higher-yielding or disease-resistant crops, as well as what it could mean for animal agriculture.

You've Come a Long Way, Baby Carrot

A California carrot farmer invented the baby-cut carrot while trying to reduce food waste. This episode examines the unexpected reasons why we waste so much food and how finding solutions to the problem can help feed a growing population.


Unfold talks with two ϲͼ experts who believe that organic farming and genetic engineering don’t have to be so antagonistic. They argue a blend of both types of agriculture is key to helping sustainably feed more people.

What's the Beef With Beef?

In this episode, we look more closely at cattle’s environmental hoofprint and look at how ϲͼ scientists are researching ways to make livestock more sustainable.