DNA sequencing Content / DNA sequencing Content for ϲͼ en Hobbyist DNA Services May Be Open to Genetic Hacking /news/hobbyist-dna-services-may-be-open-genetic-hacking-0 <p>With the growth of home DNA testing, online services such as GEDMatch, MyHeritage and FamilyTreeDNA have become popular places for people to upload their genetic information, research their genealogy and find lost relatives. They have also been used by law enforcement to find criminal suspects through a DNA match with relatives.&nbsp;</p> October 22, 2019 - 10:31am Andy Fell /news/hobbyist-dna-services-may-be-open-genetic-hacking-0 How Do Scientists Assemble A Genome? /curiosity-gap/how-do-scientists-assemble-genome <p>A genome contains all the genetic information needed to create and maintain an individual. Sequencing a genome helps scientists better understand genomes and their role in creating organisms. When scientists sequence a genome, they take an organism’s DNA and determine the order of its base pairs, which are coded by the letters A, C, T and G. These lettered pairs comprise the “rungs” of the ladder-like DNA double helix, which serves as an organism’s unique genetic blueprint.</p> June 25, 2019 - 4:18pm Anonymous /curiosity-gap/how-do-scientists-assemble-genome International Consortium Officially Launches Earth BioGenome Project in London /news/international-consortium-officially-launches-earth-biogenome-project-london <p>Key scientific partners and funders from around the globe gathered in London yesterday (Nov. 1) to officially&nbsp;<a href="https://www.sanger.ac.uk/news/view/launch-global-effort-read-genetic-code-all-complex-life-earth">launch the&nbsp;Earth BioGenome Project&nbsp;(EBP)</a>, a global effort to sequence the genetic code of all the planet’s eukaryotes — some 1.5 million known species, including all plants, animals, protozoa and fungi.</p> November 02, 2018 - 9:13am Andy Fell /news/international-consortium-officially-launches-earth-biogenome-project-london Earth BioGenome Project Aims to Sequence DNA From All Complex Life /news/earth-biogenome-project-aims-sequence-dna-all-complex-life <p>An international consortium of scientists is proposing what is arguably the most ambitious project in the history of biology: sequencing the DNA of all known eukaryotic species on Earth.&nbsp;</p> <p>The benefits of the monumental initiative promise to be a complete transformation of the scientific understanding of life on Earth and a vital new resource for global innovations in medicine, agriculture, conservation, technology and genomics.</p> April 23, 2018 - 10:32am Andy Fell /news/earth-biogenome-project-aims-sequence-dna-all-complex-life Earth BioGenome Project to Sequence All Life /news/earth-biogenome-project-sequence-all-life <p>In an effort to protect and preserve the Earth’s biodiversity and kick-start an inclusive bio-economy, the World Economic Forum today announced a landmark partnership between the Earth BioGenome Project, chaired by Harris Lewin, distinguished professor at ϲͼ, and the Earth Bank of Codes to map the DNA of all life on Earth.&nbsp;</p> January 23, 2018 - 10:12am Andy Fell /news/earth-biogenome-project-sequence-all-life