Farmers Content / Farmers Content for ϲͼ en Maximizing Use of Water Stored in Soil Could Result in Savings for Farmers /food/news/maximizing-use-water-stored-soil-could-result-savings-farmers <p>As California faces more frequent and severe droughts, agriculture, which relies on irrigation from surface water and groundwater, could become expensive and unsustainable. Researchers at the ϲͼ, Davis, looked at using a “free” resource — rain water stored in the soil — and found that optimizing its use could go a long way to help meet demand for five California perennial crops. Their findings appear in the journal <em>Environmental Research Letters</em>.</p> May 14, 2019 - 10:00am Amy M Quinton /food/news/maximizing-use-water-stored-soil-could-result-savings-farmers California Farmers Have Raised Wages, But Still Unable to Find Enough Workers /food/news/california-farmers-have-raised-wages-still-unable-find-enough-workers <p>California farmers are failing to find enough people to pick fruits and vegetables and harvest other crops, and they are offsetting this labor shortage by changing to less labor-intensive crops and adding automation.</p> May 02, 2019 - 11:36am Karen Michele Nikos /food/news/california-farmers-have-raised-wages-still-unable-find-enough-workers Building the Farm /news/building-farm <p><em>As the campus nears its 2008–09 </em><a href=""><strong><em>centennial celebration</em></strong></a><em>, we take a look back at what was happening 100 years ago.</em></p> <p>In name, the first buildings constructed at the University Farm in 1907 sounded like facilities that might have been found on a dairy or county fairground: the creamery, the livestock judging pavilion and two cottages.</p> March 15, 2007 - 4:21pm Susanne Rockwell /news/building-farm