Stebbins Cold Canyon Reserve Content / Stebbins Cold Canyon Reserve Content for ϲͼ en Springing Back From Wildfire /climate/what-can-i-do/springing-back-wildfire <div class="align- url-embed"> <div class="responsive-embed"></div> </div> <div slot="column1"> <p>&nbsp;</p></div> June 30, 2021 - 10:23am Katherine E Kerlin /climate/what-can-i-do/springing-back-wildfire Wildfires Ravage Natural Reserve System /news/wildfires-ravage-natural-reserve-system <p>ϲͼ properties account for half of the eight in the UC Natural Reserve System that have been burned or threatened by wildfires in Northern and Central California over the last week.</p> August 24, 2020 - 3:08pm Dave Jones /news/wildfires-ravage-natural-reserve-system Heat Danger Persists at Stebbins Reserve /news/heat-danger-persists-stebbins-reserve <p><strong>Updated 5:30 a.m. Aug. 16: </strong>The National Weather Service has extended an excessive heat warning for the northern Central Valley and foothills until 10 o’clock tonight. The warning zone takes in Stebbins Cold Canyon Reserve, where high temperatures are forecast at near 101 degrees today, 91 Saturday (Aug. 17), 83 Sunday (Aug. 18) and 88 Monday (Aug. 19). The reserve’s website cautions: “Hot summer conditions are dangerous for hiking in wildlands. High risk of fire and heat illness.”</p> August 16, 2019 - 12:31pm Dave Jones /news/heat-danger-persists-stebbins-reserve Continued Caution Advised at Stebbins /news/continued-caution-advised-stebbins <p>High temperatures in the mid-90s are forecast this weekend at ϲͼ’ Stebbins Cold Canyon Reserve, down from last weekend’s 105 degrees, but still extreme and still warranting caution by would-be hikers.</p> August 02, 2019 - 11:21am Dave Jones /news/continued-caution-advised-stebbins UPDATED: Canyon Fire 100 Percent Contained /news/wildfire-near-reserves-65-percent-contained <p><strong>Updated 10 a.m. July 26: </strong>Cal Fire reported just before 6:30 p.m. Thursday (July 25) that crews had achieved 100 percent containment of the Canyon Fire, while holding the size to 64 acres.</p> <hr> <p><strong>Updated 3:30 p.m. July 25: </strong>Cal Fire reports 95 percent containment of the Canyon Fire, with the acreage unchanged at 64 acres. Evacuations have been lifted and Highway 128 is open again.</p> <hr> <p><strong>Updated noon July 24: </strong>Cal Fire reports 90 percent containment of the Canyon Fire, with the acreage unchanged at 64 acres.</p> July 26, 2019 - 10:35am Dave Jones /news/wildfire-near-reserves-65-percent-contained Official Heat Advisory Takes in Stebbins /news/official-heat-advisory-takes-stebbins <p>Earlier this week, it was a nearby wildfire that kept people off the trails at ϲͼ’ Stebbins Cold Canyon Reserve. This weekend it is high heat that should have people thinking twice before going.</p> <p>The National Weather Service has issued a heat advisory, 11 a.m. Saturday to 11 a.m. Sunday (July 27-28), for much of the Sacramento Valley and extending into the Coast Ranges, including Stebbins Cold Canyon at the south end of Lake Berryessa. The weather service is predicting high temperatures near 101 degrees at the reserve.</p> July 26, 2019 - 8:53am Dave Jones /news/official-heat-advisory-takes-stebbins Summer Dangers Persist at Stebbins Reserve /news/summer-dangers-persist-stebbins-reserve <p>Staff who oversee a ϲͼ natural reserve with popular hiking trails are taking a broader approach to keeping visitors safe in the wake of another heat-related rescue over the weekend.</p> July 31, 2018 - 1:43pm Cody Kitaura /news/summer-dangers-persist-stebbins-reserve Stebbins Trails Remain Closed by Hot Weather /news/stebbins-trails-reopen-weekend <p><strong>Updated 10 a.m. July 27:</strong> Stebbins Cold Canyon trails will remain closed over the next several days due to continuing high temperatures, <a href="">the reserve said on its website yesterday.</a></p> <p class="text-align-center">•••</p> July 27, 2018 - 10:00am Dave Jones /news/stebbins-trails-reopen-weekend Heat-Related Illness Strikes at Stebbins /news/heat-related-illness-strikes-stebbins <p>The signs went up Monday (July 16) at <a href="">ϲͼ’ Stebbins Cold Canyon Reserve</a>: “Trails Are Closed” — and here’s why: No sooner did a heat wave arrive last weekend than at least two hikers suffered severe heat-related illness at the natural reserve near Lake Berryessa west of Winters.</p> July 17, 2018 - 3:39pm Dave Jones /news/heat-related-illness-strikes-stebbins Trails Reopen at Reserve Near County Fire /news/backfires-slow-advance-county-fire <p>Hiking trails have reopened at Stebbins Cold Canyon Natural Reserve as firefighters make progress against the nearby County Fire.</p> July 06, 2018 - 2:40pm Cody Kitaura /news/backfires-slow-advance-county-fire