
Valentine’s Day Tip Sheet, Media Sources

Duo performing on piano
Eva-Maria Zimmermann and Keisuke Nakagoshi are performing together in concert on piano Feb. 13 and 14. (Carlin Ma/photo).

The following experts and stories may be of interest to media seeking a source or theme for a Valentine’s Day story. From animal and human attractions, and the research behind that, to the health of the human heart, to performing arts, ϲͼ has a number of stories.

Attraction and relationships

, associate professor in psychology, leads studies in .

One of Eastwick’s research programs examines how the qualities that people say are critically important to them in a romantic partner — their  — direct romantic partner selection and retention. He recently did a on that topic. He is also interested in exploring how close relationships grow and develop over time. He has published , as well, on why people’s current and former romantic partners sometimes share traits and sometimes do not. He directs the ϲͼ Contact: eastwick@ucdavis.edu

Research in love and bonding relationships

ϲͼ Department of Psychology Professor  researches pair bonding, not in humans, but animals — specifically, prairie voles and titi monkeys — in an effort to understand human relationships better.

Both titi monkeys and prairie voles form monogamous pair bonds and are good subjects for study through observation and brain scans, in particular. She and her lab researchers look at how each pair form a bond, their pair bonding behavior (both long-term and short-term), parenting and other factors. Contact: klbales@ucdavis.edu

Monogamy not always an advantage

It is well known that men benefit reproductively from having multiple spouses, but the reasons why women might benefit from multiple marriages are not as clear. Women, as a result of pregnancy and lactation, can’t reproduce as fast as males.

Research by , professor of anthropology, challenges evolutionary-derived sexual stereotypes about men and women, finding that multiple spouses can be good for women too, particularly in certain cultures. Research in Tanzania’s Pimbwe people shows that by acquiring multiple spouses, women can buffer themselves against economic and social crises, and more effectively keep their children alive. Contact: mborgerhoffmulder@gmail.com

Performing hearts and arts: Two pianists, same piano

Then there is the close proximity of two pianists sharing one keyboard. And art.

On Friday, Feb. 14, the Department of Music presents the  performing “ZOFO-MOMA.” The ZOFO-MOMA Live Concert Experience unfolds as an aurally and visually stunning walking tour through a virtual museum of modern art. Against an ever-changing backdrop of contemporary paintings, 15 new ZOFO-commissioned duet compositions are revealed throughout the 72-minute continuous performance. One of the compositions is by ϲͼ professor of music Pablo Ortiz. The duo is performing graduate student works on Feb. 13 as a Shinkoskey Noon Concert, as well.

Heart-smart​ tips from ϲͼ Health

A ϲͼ registered dietitian shares five to work into your diet.

Media Resources

Karen Nikos-Rose, News and Media Relations, 530-219-5472, kmnikos@ucdavis.edu

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Human & Animal Health
