
ϲͼ reaches $750 million fundraising milestone

The ϲͼ, Davis, announced today that it has raised more than $750 million from more than 85,000 donors — putting the campus three-quarters of the way toward the $1 billion goal set for its first comprehensive fundraising campaign.

“I am grateful to the generosity of the many thousands of donors who have shown their support, pride and trust in our great university for the benefit of our students, faculty members, researchers and innovative programs,” said ϲͼ Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi. “This support will help ensure that ϲͼ can continue to grow its vision of excellence and remain one of the nation’s top public research universities in the face of uncertain economic times.”

The Campaign for ϲͼ was publicly launched in October 2010 with a goal of bolstering student scholarships and financial aid, faculty support, research programs, campus facilities, patient care and other priority needs. The campaign is expected to last through 2014.

“I’d like to thank all those who have supported The Campaign for ϲͼ,” said Shaun B. Keister, vice chancellor for development and alumni relations. “It is an extraordinary achievement to reach this milestone a little more than one year into the four-year public phase of this fundraising campaign. This important milestone gives us the momentum we need to reach our $1 billion goal by December 2014.”

So far the campaign has generated more than $100 million for student support, including direct financial aid, research opportunities and improved facilities and programs. The funds provide critical support that enables ϲͼ to continue to attract the best and brightest students from throughout the region, state and world.

In addition, 43 endowed chairs and professorships have been established during the campaign.

More than 89 percent of the gifts received to date were for less than $1,000. More than 130 donors gave $1 million or more. The donors come from all over the nation and around the world.

The campaign’s philanthropic highlights include:

  • The largest single contribution to ϲͼ was a $100 million commitment from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation in 2007, received during the campaign's quiet leadership phase. This philanthropic grant launched the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing, located on the ϲͼ Sacramento campus, which admitted its inaugural class in 2010.
  • The largest alumni gift came from Maurice and Marcia Gallagher who contributed $10 million in 2007 to name Maurice J. Gallagher Jr. Hall, the home of the Graduate School of Management, and to establish an endowment for the MBA program. Gallagher, a 1971 graduate, is the chairman and CEO of Allegiant Travel Co., a commercial airline and travel company based in Las Vegas.
  • The largest endowment for student support was through the estate of Theodora Peigh, a Reno resident and animal lover. The $10.7 million endowment has created hundreds of scholarships for students in the School of Veterinary Medicine.
  • Overall, during the 2010-11 fiscal year, donors committed more than $117.6 million in philanthropic support to ϲͼ, marking the fifth year in a row that contributions to the university exceeded $100 million. Kevin Bacon, chair of the ϲͼ Foundation Board of Trustees, said the broad show of support demonstrates how many people recognize the importance of the work ϲͼ is doing to improve the lives of all.

“The campaign is allowing the university to connect, engage and deepen relationships with thousands of people in a way that matters to them and benefits the future of California,” said Bacon, a 1972 graduate. “I’m extremely proud to be part of a campaign that is making the entire world aware of the tremendous contributions ϲͼ is making to solve many of our most pressing problems.”

Media Resources

Claudia Morain, (530) 752-9841, cmmorain@ucdavis.edu

Tom Hinds, Development Communications, (530) 752-8694, thinds@ucdavis.edu

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