
Low interest rates led to banks’ risky behavior — and failures

Evidence abounds that in the decade leading up to the 2008 financial crisis, banks significantly expanded their loan portfolios, often by extending loans to risky customers, and financing themselves primarily with debt. This led to a rash of bank failures as banks' loans failed to repay. 

A new ϲͼ, Davis, study says that the low interest rate environment that prevailed throughout most of that period was likely an important determinant of that risky behavior.

“It wasn’t until after the crisis that people, including policymakers as well as academic economists, started realizing that the level of interest rates may induce particular bank behavior,” said Robert S. Marquez, a professor at the ϲͼ Graduate School of Management. “Prior to the crisis, few expected that low interest rates for extended periods were problematic and could have led to bank failures as there was very little, if any, guidance on this issue.”

The paper, soon to be published in the Journal of Economic Theory, establishes a link between interest rates and the risk-taking decisions by banks. In particular, the paper shows that reductions in real interest rates, such as occur as part of a monetary expansion, lead banks to increase their leverage and expand their loan portfolio.

In addition, the expansion in lending is primarily to borrowers who are less likely to repay their loans in full. This makes the bank itself riskier and more prone to failure.

He said strict enforcement of strong equity-to-debt ratios could help forestall a crash in a weak economy being stimulated by monetary policy, but it might be unnecessarily restrictive in a good economy where capital forbearance would help solvent banks remain afloat.

“To the extent, however, that low interest rate periods may sow the seeds of future crises, care needs to be taken in balancing the two objectives of price and financial stability,” he said.

Marquez and co-authors plan future research into how monetary policy might prevent excessive risk-taking that could have led to some bank failures.

The paper, “Real interest rates, leverage, and bank risk-taking” is available online at .

Besides Marquez, co-authors are Giovanni Dell’Ariccia and Luc Laeven, both of the International Monetary Fund in Washington, D.C., and the Center for Economic Policy Research. 

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Media Resources

Karen Nikos-Rose, Research news (emphasis: arts, humanities and social sciences), 530-219-5472, kmnikos@ucdavis.edu

Robert Marquez, Graduate School of Management, (530) 752-9022, rsmarquez@ucdavis.edu

Tim Akin, Graduate School of Management, 530-752-7362, tmakin@ucdavis.edu

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