
‘Healthy ϲͼ’ ... Let’s Get Started!

And, for Your Well-Being, How About a Mondavi Show?

Doctor has doughnut in one hand, apple in the other.
Healthy ϲͼ launches its Diabetes Prevention Program in January.

Quick Summary

  • ‘Know Your Numbers’ screenings
  • Diabetes Prevention Program
  • Mindfulness Awareness Practices

Considering a New Year’s resolution to be a healthier you? ϲͼ is ready to help — with “Know Your Numbers” screenings (Jan. 9-10) and a multisession Diabetes Prevention Program (introductory meeting Jan. 16). Also launching in January, a six-week-long mindfulness awareness program.

All programs are free, co-sponsored by the ; and , for students, staff and faculty. Healthy ϲͼ, which operates under the auspices of the UC system’s Healthy Campus Network initiative, has four focus areas: Food and Nutrition, Mental and Emotional Well-Being, Physical Activity, and Smoke and Tobacco-Free.

Read more about : Working to make ϲͼ the healthiest community in the nation. Learn about the initiative’s recently funded projects, ranging from Point-of-Purchase Food Icons to Mobile Fitness and Fit Break.

Coming in January:

Know Your Numbers — Two sessions will be held, both in the foyer of the . You must be 18 or older.

  • Tuesday, Jan. 9 — 7-10 a.m. Blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose, triglycerides, height, weight, waist size, BMI (body mass index) and body fat percentage (optional). You must fast for at least 12 hours before your appointment. Space is limited; the will ask you to choose a time slot within the three-hour time frame.
  • Wednesday, Jan. 10 — 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Blood glucose screening only; fasting not required. Limited to 100 people, first-come, first-served.

Diabetes Prevention Program — A weekly series on ways to reduce the risk of developing diabetes. Open to qualified participants only. Introductory session will be held from noon to 1 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 16, in 130 . Program sessions will be held on Tuesdays, Jan. 23-June 19, alternating between 130 Hoagland Hall and online. ; the organizers will contact you with a few questions to see if you qualify. 

Mindful Awareness Practices — Develop a personal mindfulness meditation practice that promotes your health and well-being and helps you better manage stress. The classes will prepare you to apply mindfulness in daily life, through experiential exercises and group discussions, in a supportive community environment. 5:15-7:15 p.m. Thursdays, Jan 25, Feb. 1, 8, 15 and 22, and March 8 (no class on March 1), on the Davis campus. The organizers said the program is for people who are new to mindfulness and those who wish to revitalize their mindfulness practice.

Limited to 30 people chosen by lottery. Please sign up only if you are committed to investing time and energy to grow your well-being through mindfulness and available to attend all of the six sessions for the full two hours and complete the home practice assignments (up to 20 minutes daily).

Well-Being Ticket Deal for January

Inspired by Camille Saint-Saëns’ beloved musical suite, Australia's Circa Contemporary Circus whisks audiences away on a thrilling circus escapade featuring delightful animations (including juggling zebras and somersaulting kangaroos), along with seven acrobats, two singers and four musicians. 3 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 28, Jackson Hall, .

The Well-Being Ticket Deal is sponsored by the Mondavi Center and the Staff and Faculty Health and Well-Being Program. The 2017-18 deal is for $10 tickets (limit two per person) for one selected show a month from October through May, with the discount tickets available for purchase for 14 days, from the 1st to the 14th, for the show to be held later the same month, or, in one case, early the next month.

(for the Well-Being Ticket Deal, Jan. 1-14, use promo code ANIMALS18).

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