
THE DOWNLOAD: Gwentomologist, Fireside Chat

Student holds large spider on her hand
Gwendolyn Erdosh

If you follow “” on Instagram, you'll see fascinating images, videos and data on scores of insects, including bees, butterflies and beetles, and such curious critters as wasp-mimicking beetles (genus Clytus) and “burying beetles” or Nicrophorus beetles (genus Nicrophorus).

Gwendolyn “Gwen” Erdosh is a ϲͼ entomology major and undergraduate researcher with more than 22,000 followers on Instagram, where she shares her fascination, passion and growing scientific knowledge of entomology with the intensity of a moth heading for light. 

— Kathy Keatley Garvey

Chief Trauernicht hosts ’Fireside Chat‘

What was Fire Chief Nate Trauernicht’s most memorable call? And what advice does he have for an aspiring firefighter? Hear the answers to those questions and more in .

Don’t come to the ER just for a COVID test

Compost bins spread across campus

Green compost bins are being added to more buildings around campus — here’s what can go in them and an overview of their benefits.

Completed Walker Hall gets Scully sketch


Media Resources

Cody Kitaura is a News and Media Relations Specialist in the Office of Strategic Communications, and can be reached by email or at 530-752-1932.

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