
DEI’s Anti-Racism Syllabus Lists Myriad Ways to Engage

Woman reads from script against "ϲͼ" backdrop.
Vice Chancellor Renetta Garrison Tull gives remarks during livestreamed Community Moment of Silence for George Floyd, June 2. (Gregory Urquiaga/ϲͼ)

Two weeks ago the ϲͼ Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion posted “11 Suggested Actions Toward Anti-Racism in the Office and on Your Own.” Now comes the , a compilation of activities across the university — Davis and Sacramento campuses — addressing bias, racism and structural inequalities.

“Some of these activities have already occurred — like our Moment of Silence for George Floyd — and many more are in the offing,” said Renetta Garrison Tull, vice chancellor of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. “We should be proud of what we have done and all that is still to come, providing the opportunity to learn about these issues, to engage and to contribute to addressing them.”

Indeed, as Tull noted upon the release of the , her office is equipping the campus community with tools “to take ownership of developing and sustaining a strong, inclusive climate.”


Going back to the summer, the Anti-Racism Syllabus notes in its introduction how “the ϲͼ community responded to the death of George Floyd and the unjust killings of too many other Black people in America with a period of acknowledgment, mourning, reflection and reckoning.”

Now, with DEI’s 11 Suggested Actions and the syllabus, “We are in the process of moving from isolated allyship to action.”

The syllabus includes ongoing ϲͼ courses like “Living the Principles of Community” and “STEAD: Strength Through Equity and Diversity Faculty Search Committee Workshop” (for the Davis campus) and “Enhanced Training for Faculty Search Committee Members” (for ϲͼ Health), and the UCOP series “Managing Implicit Bias.”

Diversity and Inclusion Education and Training workshops also are on the syllabus. They include “Microaggressions: Towards Greater Awareness and Understanding,” “Making the Unconscious Conscious: Understanding and Mitigating Bias” and “Unpacking Oppression.”

You can also find the Cross Cultural Center’s “Combatting Anti-Blackness” and “The Bystander Imperative” series.

Resources round out the syllabus, along with a list of academic courses in which students can learn about race relations.

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