
IN BRIEF: Storm Cleanup Continues

Down tree branches on bike path.
Last week’s windy storm left plenty of branches for campus crews to clean up. (ϲͼ photo)


  • Debris and “entire tree failures” keep grounds crew hard at work
  • Information Security Symposium will be June 15-16, virtually

How many trees and branches and leaves came down in the windy overnight storm Jan. 26-27? Enough that grounds workers are still working hard to get it all cleaned up.

A eucalyptus tree came down at the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, hitting a stall at the Large Animal Clinic. No animals were injured, but the roof was badly damaged, said Katie Hetrick, a senior communications manager with Finance, Operations and Administration.

Elsewhere, a tree fell onto the Cowell Building and another fell near the Buehler Alumni Center. The wind also brought down trees on Health Sciences Drive and a fence at the Chancellor’s Residence.

Tyson Mantor, who manages the grounds team, said the cleanup is "slow-going" as workers are still picking up a lot of debris and sometimes having to reprioritize, like they did late Monday (Feb. 1) to deal with “entire tree failures” at the cattle feed lot and the Earth and Planetary Sciences Building.

He said his crew had completed cleanup of the Large Animal Clinic and Kemper Hall and the feed lot.

“We should complete cleanup of Earth and Physical Sciences tomorrow and we will continue to work on the Center for Environmental Horticulture, the Arboretum, Primate Center and west campus.”

Information Security Symposium

Save the dates: ϲͼ’ 2021 Information Security Symposium — featuring talks, labs and discussions on topics involving cybersecurity and privacy — will be held Tuesday-Wednesday, June 15-16, virtually.

The theme is “Adapt” — a continuing priority as campuses adjust to changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.       

The 2019 symposium drew more than 500 technical professionals and administrators, mostly from within the ϲͼ, but also from other California state universities and state agencies. 

If you’re an information security professional, technologist or administrator, it’s not too soon to start thinking of ideas for lectures or labs that you would like to present. Registration will open near the start of April 2021. For more information, see the symposium . 


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